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switching from


customers over 17

1. Check your e-mail (the one that you used to sign in on TeamUp) for a verification e-mail from MindBody. Please contact us if you have not received anything so far – it’s also worth checking Spam/Junk folders.

2. Follow the link in this e-mail to create a password.

3. Download the Sliema Fight Co. app. 

4. Log-in to the app and remember to update it with your up-to-date contact details and correct date of birth – important so you can access the right classes for your age group.

5. Your membership packages should have moved across automatically. You can check these under Profile > Passes

Can’t view your passes? Click here to find a fix.

6. Sign the liability waiver

7. Enjoy our new app and book away to your heart’s content.

customers under 17

Click here

something wrong?

Having difficulty with the app? Worry not as our team is on hand to help.